Sharp Paynes

Never a dull moment…

The folly of not believing

Taken from my daughter’s high school biology book:

George Wald, winner of the 1967 Nobel Prize for Medicine, Harvard University biology professor and author of Frontiers of Modern Biology on Theories of Origins of Life (1972) stated plainly:

“I do not want to believe in God.  Therefore I choose to believe in that which I know is scientifically impossible, spontaneous generation leading to evolution.”

Wow.  George Wald, a son of Jewish immigrants who spent his life observing and studying the handiwork of God, ‘exchanged the truth of God for the lie’ (Romans 1:25).    A man far more intelligent than myself, yet lacking wisdom.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge…Proverbs 1:7

Interestingly, his Nobel Prize was for  discoveries concerning the primary physiological and chemical visual processes in the eye.  


Let me just say how thankful I am for the freedom to educate our children the way we choose, and thankful that the Truth is not fragile.  I’m grateful that we can discuss opposing views without getting our feathers ruffled (most of the time!) because we have a Solid Rock to land on, not shifting sands of public opinion or ‘new research’.  What’s new to God, anyway?!

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4 thoughts on “The folly of not believing

  1. Does the textbook come with a reference as to where the quote originates from?

    As far as I can tell it is taken from the following passage:
    “Spontaneous generation, that life arose from non-living matter was scientifically disproved 120 years ago by Louis Pasteur and others. That leaves us with the only possible conclusion that life arose as a supernatural creative act of God. I will not accept that philosophically because I do not want to believe in God. Therefore, I choose to believe in that which I know is scientifically impossible; spontaneous generation arising to evolution”

    Which came from “Wald, George, “Innovation and Biology,” Scientific American, Vol. 199, Sept. 1958, p. 100.”

    However, if you go back and read the article it allegedly came from, it contains no such phraseology.

    So either the text book got the quote from a different source in which Mr Wald does say what the textbook claims he does; or the textbook is spreading a lie.

    • You make a very good point, and the textbook does not site where the quote came from. Perhaps I should contact the publisher and ask for clarification!
      Do you have a link to the referenced article in Scientific American? Not sure my library would have that deep of an archive. Also, it seems more commonly quoted from a 1954 edition of Scientific American.
      Thank you!

  2. Hi, Tresta!!! Just stopping in to say, “Hola!” You got your picture fixed! Good job! ;^)

    Yes, I’m thankful that we’re able to educate at home as well. Many folks here think we’re pretty nuts. heh Many folks everywhere think we’re pretty nuts, for that matter. I like your comment “the truth is not fragile”. Absolutely!!! (Assuming that “absolute truth” is what you refer to!) Man’s wisdom is fallible (the previous comments being a case in point! lol ), but God’s wisdom endures forever!!!

    Have an amazing, wonderful, fantastic day!!!

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